Are You Ready to Write Your Book?
Not Sure How to Begin Writing?

Get the 7 Tips to Overcome Writers Block from Super Agent & Publisher, Bill Gladstone — and get ready to plan your publishing journey!

7 Tips to Overcome Writer’s Block
Get these 7 unique and powerful tips and get your ideas flowing onto paper (or screen) with a minimum of stress, struggle and self-doubt. You’ll receive one tip per day for seven days, directly to your email inbox. 

Day 1 begins when you register.

Bill Gladstone

Bill Gladstone founded Waterside Productions, Inc. in 1982, and has personally placed more than 5000 titles with dozens of publishers. He has represented stars of the technical world ranging from Peter Norton to Linus Torvalds and was responsible for selling the first For Dummies book, DOS for Dummies by Dan Gookin, which led to the phenomenal series which now has sold over 300 million copies.

Currently, Mr. Gladstone represents authors such as spiritual teachers Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Barbara DeAngelis, and Neale Donald Walsch, radio talk show host Thom Hartmann, international peace advocate Dr. Ervin Laszlo, the Napoleon Hill Foundation, musician Neil Young, and many other outstanding authors and professionals dedicated to creating books which inspire and improve the world.

Chris Van Buren

Christopher Van Buren has worked in publishing and information marketing since 1984 as a writer, publisher, and literary agent. Christopher has written numerous books on technology, business, travel and self-help and spent eight years as a literary agent, helping authors get their books published.