Internet Income
Step 4: Drive Traffic
Internet Income
Step 4: Drive Traffic
Step 4: Drive Traffic
Basic Concepts
At the end of the day…online success comes down to traffic, which means reaching an audience and guiding them in the direction of your work. You can have the best products in the world and the most advanced website and a compelling free gift offer. You can create webinars and email sequences to guide people down your sales path (funnel) – but where are all those people going to come from?
Where do you get traffic at a reasonable cost?
Considering all the noise and confusion in the online marketing world, you may be pleasantly surprised to know that there are exactly FOUR ways to drive traffic online…
Each of these four types of media (traffic) has Pros and Cons, which are provided in our online version of this ebook (see icons to the right). Your job is to choose the perfect mixture of the four types of media for your unique situation, which means evaluating…